Sunday, 19 September 2010

19th September - Solo Training in Town

Now, my blog posts have really began to fall behind. Therefore, I'm going to skip what few training sessions that haven't been documented as I am in fact having trouble remembering them. Basically, in the last week, I met up with Kentleigh and his little brother Christian and ended up training with a bunch of the others and ended up training with Davey, who managed to damage his ankle and therefore have to head home earlier than expected.

Sorry for being so brief, but that was just a summary of what happened. Now then, onto today's events:

Now, after falling oh so far behind on my training, I've decided I need to train everyday; locally or in town. Expect more blog posts as I'm also hoping to keep up with my training, rather than being lazy and not writing anything.

So, solo training. I'd been itching to get out after a few days not training, and training on my own finally gave me a breath of fresh air and some variation to my training. I had from 5PM to 6:30PM to train, and I certainly tried to cram as much training as I could into that short space of time. After being dropped off at my Dad's studio, I began to walk further into the City Centre and to a spot I'd been wanting to try out for a while; a small 180 Precision outside of the Post Office. Equipped with a 2 Litre bottle of water and my trusty £5 MP3 player, I got to training but could just not nail the 180 Precision. It seemed I just could not get the right power to turn and land, since the wall was a good few feet away. I was disappointed, but vowed that I'd come back and get it another time.

Earlier in the day, before I'd set out training, Kentleigh mentioned that he too would be training with Christian, and so I went to the spots that I'd shown them before with the hope that they would be there. They weren't, however, and seeing as I was at the Swimming Baths I decided I may aswell train here for a bit. I was moved on almost instantly, much to my disappointment.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Falling Behind

It's 18th September, and I haven't updated about anything. My training sessions are less and less frequent, because of school. I'll update as soon as I can, but I'm really lacking in effort at the moment. Really gotta pull my socks up, before I start to fall behind on training aswell. This really isn't good, I can't see myself progressing unless I train more often. There's been talk within the Police about Traceurs being fined, and therefore my mum disapproves of me training in town since she is also in the Police and doesn't want to pay fines. If they do really begin to fine us, it's going to be completely stupid. What're they going to fine us for? Moving? So if I get them to chase me and they vault something, does that mean I have the right to fine them for it? It's fucking absurd.

Going to update as soon as I can, but I'm writing more on paper now.

Peace and Love,
Dan <3 

Thursday, 9 September 2010

7th September - Night Training with Davey

So one of the Traceurs in Coventry (Davey) invited me out to train rather late at night, or at least to late to be in the City Centre without being raped. Anyway, I met him at around 8:30, although it was scheduled at 8:00, as the bus he uses to get into town arrived at his at 8. So, after waiting for 30 minutes for him and almost falling asleep in The Priory, he came round the corner, we shook hands and set off to train. Now, Coventry nights are normally freezing, and I mean bloody freezing, but after training Precisions over syringes and glass, I was sweating like 'Jade Goody after an appointment.' (Direct quote from Davey.)

So we first went to the swimming baths where I had previously trained before, but had not really noticed the potential the spot had until I went there again. I realised that the place was full of obstacles and ways to overcome them; Precisions, Cat Leaps, Vaults and a great wall for climbing. We trained there for about 30 - 50 minutes, with only a light allowing us to see where we were jumping. I thought it would've been awkward since I hadn't actually had a 1 on 1 training session with Davey, but he was actually really easy to talk to and a really nice guy. So, after drilling precisions at the swimming baths we then scaled a rather long wall covered in moss to go towards our next location. It was a reasonably easy wall to climb along, but what was unexpected was the massive heap of wet moss which appeared towards the end. My fingers began to slip so I moved my hand onto a rail above, and managed to traverse the wall and land on the other side of a railing with Davey.

Next, we went to a spot where me, Ashley and Chris had trained before. Here I found an obstacle which I would be training most on the entire night; a railing which was perfect distance for a Kong Precision. After numerous attempts at trying to nail it and having Davey telling me if I didn't land it I'd have something else in my pants (his response to me falling backwards and managing to get bark in my underwear), we moved on and I realised that I'd drank nearly all my water already and my legs were beginning to get tired.

We moved on to yet another place which me, Ashley and Chris had been before; a great spot for precisions, where the distance began to vary the further you went down the wall. Now, my precisions honestly aren't that great, and it seemed a jump was certainly out of my reach. However, I tried it and cleared the gap, not sticking the landing though. After repetitive drills, I could stick it rather well and decided to move further along the wall. I was greeted by what seemed like a huge precision, and I could just not clear it. The worst part is, I knew that I could. It was fear that stopped me; the fact that it was a bigger jump than anything I'd ever tried before. After drilling the precision that I could actually do, and after Davey's failed attempt at scaring me when I was landing it, we moved just around the corner to a spot which had another precision. This precision, however, was blocked by a waist high wall and as Davey said "Could test how fast your mind and body could react.". After much hesitation I tried it, but kept landing with my foot in the flowerbed. I luckily missed the flowers, however, so Davey remained a happy man regarding the flower situation for a while longer. I couldn't bring myself to land the precision, so we moved back to the old Kong to Precision spot where we were an hour earlier.

Before we got there, however, Davey went to meet one of his friends who actually seemed an okay guy. We walked with him down to our training spot, and went our separate ways. I could still not get that Kong Precision, though, and after much trying it was nearing time for me to go home. We walked to Pool Meadow where I trained my flow on a set of two rails; the easiest vaults to pull off in a row for me being a Lazy and then a Kong straight after. After training here and Davey talking to a few passers by, we waited outside of Bingo so that I could be picked up. While waiting, we flow trained on a box-box-wall obstacle which I could barely vault, until I was picked up and went home.

The training was great, and once again I sustained no injuries, but pushed myself more than I had before. Things are really starting to pick up.

Peace and Love,
Dan <3

Monday, 6 September 2010

4th September - Parkour Jam

Blogging about the jam 2 days after it happened simply because I was too lazy to update straight after.

So I got invited to a Parkour Jam by Davey, a fellow Traceur in Coventry and shortly before headed off I also told Kentleigh (via 3Run Forum) about the Jam as he was lacking in people to train with. Anyway, I went to the train station at 11:10, since I'd woken up late, even though we were originally meeting at 11:00. Unknown to the other Traceurs' strict time schedule, I arrived to see nobody but Kentleigh (who I did not realise was a Traceur at this point) waiting for the meet. I briefly saw Eugene, Harry and Ben leave from the train station but didn't stop to ask where the jam was just in case they weren't who I thought they were. So, I waited for about an hour still not realising that the guy waiting behind me was Kentleigh. I honestly don't know why I waited so long, but it's not like I have anything other to do, is it?

Anyway, as I was getting ready to depart and train on my lonesome in town, Kentleigh asked if I was waiting for the Parkour Jam and a huge wave of relief washed over me, since I actually had someone to train with and someone had actually turned up. Anyway, after short discussion me and Kent (English) decided to walk around and find some training spots since it appeared we'd been left by the other Traceurs. After a brief time walking around, we stumbled right into the group of Traceurs, Free-Runners and Trickers who were attending the jam. We decided to train with them, and it was truly an amazing experience.

After a very awkward handshake with Chris, we actually got down to some training; precisions mostly during the start, since I was still just warming up with Kent. Turns out he was from South Africa and was indeed a very awesome guy.

So after meeting up with the Northhampton and Coventry Traceurs, we moved to different training spots and therefore I discovered many more than I had originally trained at. We played a game called Ground Zero where you have to traverse a building without touching the ground; I was absolutely shit at it. Hoping to train at the spot where we played and practice my climbing though.

Had a Macdonalds with Ashley and Kent, whilst Eugene and Ben went to Subway. Somehow managed to avoid getting bloated and continued to train until we all eventually went home. It was an amazing day and absolutely nothing went wrong. No injuries, nothing.

Peace and Love,
Dan <3

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

New Shoes and New People.

Training is starting to really pick up now, thanks to meeting the other Coventry Traceurs while training on my own in town. I trained for a few hours with them and now I think I finally have other people to train with in town. In terms of progress I'm starting to pick up new things, as the presence of other people is very motivating and it's giving me the confidence to try new things. 180 vaults, Dash vaults, catleaps etc; I'm mainly just drilling the basics until my technique is almost perfect. Found some new spots to train in town, but it appears someone shit all down the wall in one of my favourite spots. Bollocks.

Also, got some new Air Max 90's. Not sure if they are ideal for Parkour, but they're damn good for running. School in two more days however, so my training sessions might be all over the place schedule wise.

Peace and love,
Dan <3